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over 14 years ago
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over 14 years ago
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Sure I'm under 18 but that doesn't mean I'm not responsible or mature enough to run a server. And obviously you aren't capable of filling Cody's position if that is your view on this server. If you don't like the people in the server, what makes you capable of dealing with the server at all? BTW, seeing that you are 60% done with this server, would you mind fulfilling that last 40% and leaving this server cause all you seem to be capable of doing is whining and complaining, instead of being mature about resolving your problems.
over 14 years ago
Turn PVP off so people can't be a**holes. It was a cool idea until people started betraying one another.
over 14 years ago
I would rather live, than never die. Makes the value of the time spent so much better.
over 14 years ago
Name: Max Age: Not old enough to play minecraft, jk that would be pathetic, I'm 16 Birthday: September 27th, Class of 2012 Hobbies: Gaming (all consoles, f*** fanboys), Soccer, Magic, and yeah.... Likes: Minecraft & LittleBigPlanet, Vuvuzelas, Fezs hats in general, Star Wars (totally in love with star wars, why don't I marry it? my parents wont let me), my standard elf deck in magic because i have Nissa Revane, Legos creativity is my thing, and some day i hope to go to burning man cause that shit looks like so much fun. Dislikes: Call of Duty (except for 4), fanboys, and people who use gay as an insult, i mean come on you idiots, to be gay is something that they shouldnt be ashamed of, and others should not disapprove of their sexuality. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f60e.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":cool:">:cool:</object>
over 14 years ago
Sounds like fun. Fighting is a part of minecraft and due to the weakness of the monsters and the fact we have a hospital just makes fighting and killing in minecraft/minetown boring. If we go through with this I hope my faction leader *cough* jpkoushel *cough* would opt in for it.
over 14 years ago